39111 Six Mile Road
Livonia, MI 48152
(800) 597-0284
Can I appeal simply because I believe that the decision was unfair?
No. If you file an appeal and a court of appeals determines that your appeal is frivolous, it may, after a separately filed motion or notice from the court and reasonable opportunity to respond, award just damages and single or double costs to the appellee.[i]
Consequently, before accepting any case for appeal, we thoroughly investigate your matter. That is to say, while we may file suit relying on a your statement of facts, before accepting any case for appeal, we ensure: (a) that the applicable statute of limitations has not expired; and, (b) that we make a reasonable inquiry into the purpose and the available aspects of your claim.
Additionally, we will only file suit on a case involving new legal theories if we conclude that there is a good faith argument for an extension, modification, or a reversal of existing law.[ii]
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We are Experienced Appellate Lawyers
We handle challenging, high-stakes problems that can only be resolved in our highest courts.
Our appellate courts exist because judges and juries are not infallible. If you believe that a judge or a jury made a mistake in your case, we may be able to help you. That is, upon review of your case, we may be able to help secure a reduced sentence; a new trial; a remand; a record expungement; or, improve the outcome of your case in some other way.
Please note well that, as Christian attorneys, you can rest assured that if we think that you do not have grounds for an appeal, we will tell you.
[i] See, e.g., Rule 38 of the Federal Rules of Appellate Procedure the [Frivolous Appeal—Damages and Costs]; and, MRPC 3.1; MCR 2.625(A)(2); and MCL 600.2591.
[ii] Michigan Ethics Opinion R-009 referencing MRPC 3.1; MCR 2.625(A)(2); MCL 600.2591, Friedman v Dozorc, 412 Mich 1, 312; NW2d 585 (1981); DeWald v Isola, 180 Mich App 129 (1989); Kraemer v Grant County (In re Lawton), 892 F2d 686 (CA7 1990); and, Fahrenz v Meadow Farm Partnership, 850 F2d 207 (CA4 1988).
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