39111 Six Mile Road
Livonia, MI 48152
(800) 597-0284

How Much Does an Appeal Cost?
Depending on the complexity of the issues, the number of issues, and the amount of information from the proceeding that must be scrutinized, your appeal can be very costly. Consequently, unless the issues in you case are straightforward and subject to a relatively brief analysis, you should not expect to pay less than $8,000 for an appeal. Roughly, this number represents approximately 40 hours of work. Here is table that may illustrate how costs are determined.1
To get an estimate of the cost of your appeal, please contact us. For a fee, and depending on the nature of your case, we may also be able to provide an analysis of your case, to help you determine whether there are appealable issues.
Note: If you are a defendant in a criminal or a child protective matter and cannot afford an attorney, and you are entitled to an appeal, you may ask the court to suspend or waive certain court costs.2
Related Link: Why Are Appeals So Expensive?
We are Experienced Appellate Lawyers
We handle challenging, high-stakes problems that can only be resolved in our highest courts.
Our appellate courts exist because judges and juries are not infallible. If you believe that a judge or a jury made a mistake in your case, we may be able to help you. That is, upon review of your case, we may be able to help secure a reduced sentence; a new trial; a remand; a record expungement; or, improve the outcome of your case in some other way.
Please note well that, as Christian attorneys, you can rest assured that if we think that you do not have grounds for an appeal, we will tell you.
[1] Note these estimates do not include statutory court filing fees or transcription, which is generally the most expensive and can cost as much as $2,000 per full day of hearings.
[2] Legal Authority for Appealing Appellate Filing Fee Waivers:
Federal District Courts. See Rule 24 of the Federal Rules of Appellate Procedure [Proceeding in Forma Pauperis]; For proceedings in the Bankruptcy Court see 28 USC § 1930(f)(3).
Immigration Courts. 8 CFR 1003.8(a)(3) Grants the BIA discretion to waive the fee for an appeal, motion to reconsider, or motion to reopen if the filing party establishes that he or she is unable to pay the fee.
State Courts. MCL §§ 600.321(4); 600.2529(5) or MCR 2.002. Note also that if the court waives payment of a fee for commencing a civil action because the court determines that the party is indigent or unable to pay the fee, the court shall also waive payment of the electronic filing system fee. MCL §600.1986(3)
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